Our Program

Earn a high school diploma and acquire life-ready skills.

LCA Logo - At LCA, every student has xthe potential to achieve academic success. We are committed to providing a transformative learning experience that opens doors to a brighter future for each and every student who walks through our doors.

If you feel marginalized or stuck, LCA’s Program can help you achieve a diploma and create a bright future!

Graduation is Possible!

Lancaster County Academy (LCA) offers a second chance for students to earn a high school diploma and acquire skills desired by employers.

A Unique Approach

The Academy offers two campuses (Lancaster and Mount Joy) to best support our students and 11 partners.

Our unique setting provides several benefits to your student if they feel marginalized in a traditional school setting so they can complete their 21 credits and feel successful while doing it.


LCA Program Features:

  • Flexible hours
  • Self-paced instruction
  • Work-based learning experiences
  • Career exploration and labor market awareness
  • Opportunity to earn a regular high school diploma, not a GED
  • Links to education and training beyond high school, including college, military, and workforce

A Path for Every Student.

Create Your Future.

LCA Courses

There is a path to graduation for everyone!



(4 credits required)

  • English 9
  • English 12
  • Literature
  • Principles of Writing
  • Business English

Social Studies

(3 credits required)

  • Modern American History
  • American Government
  • Economics (1/2 or 1 credit)
  • Advanced Geography (1/2 or 1 credit)
  • Civic and Social Issues (1/2 or 1 credit)
  • Psychology (1/2 or 1 credit)
  • Sociology (1/2 or 1 credit)

Phys Ed / Health

(1 credit required; Must Have Both)

  • P.E. (by contract) (.25 credit)
  • Health & Wellness (.25 credit)
  • Health Disorders (.25 Credit)
  • Health & Personal Relationships (.25 credit)

School to Work

(2 credits required)

  • Career Connections/Job Shadowing
  • Service Learning


(3 credits required)

  • Alg Review/Geo
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Pre-Calculus
  • App Math 1
  • App Math 2
  • App Math 3
  • Elementary Statistics
  • Math Plus
  • Topics in Advanced Math


(4 credits required)

  • Physics
  • Integrated Science I (1/2 Credit)
  • Integrated Science II (1/2 Credit)
  • Environment & Ecology
  • Biology
  • Chemistry


(5 credits required)

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Citizen, Government, Law
  • Community Resources
  • Health, Nutrition, Personal Awarness (.50 credit)
  • Health & Safety (.75 credit)

You can Graduate!

Graduation is Achievable with LCA.

Graduation Requirements


A minimum of 21 credits is required for graduation including:

  • English – 4 credits
  • Science – 3 credits
  • Mathematics – 3 credits
  • Social Studies – 3 credits
  • Health & Physical Education – 1 credit
  • Electives – 5 credits
  • Service Learning or Career Internship – 1 credit (Required)
  • Career Connections – 1 credit (Required)
Lancaster County Academy (LCA) offers a second chance for students to earn a high school diploma and acquire skills desired by employers.

Additional Graduation Requirement Details

Student transcripts from previous schools are used to determine what courses are required for graduation from the Academy. All relative academic credits successfully completed at previous schools are applied to graduation requirements. All students are required to earn one credit in career exploration/ preparation and one credit for volunteering or work-study. Because of the small number of graduates in each class, class rank is not kept.

The Academy follows an open entry/open exit design. The curriculum model is self-paced and competency based with special emphasis on career development and employment skills training. Most coursework includes computer-aided instruction. A minimum test grade of 80% is accepted as demonstration of competency. Assessment includes testing, individual projects, team projects, and performance. Students who do not reach the 80% benchmark are required to re-mediate until the 80% is reached or surpassed. As a result, the Academy does not keep class rank statistics or compute a GPA.

Get Started With LCA

To initiate the connection with LCA, please complete the LCA student application and select a time to meet the director in person at one of our campuses.

We are excited to guide students on their path to success and high school graduation.
Graduation is Possible!

You don’t have to stay stuck in unhealthy patterns and struggle to achieve greater success in your education and future careers.